DEBRA WELLINS ...bringing luxury and comfort home

Providing exceptional service with integrity and grace is the cornerstone of Debra Wellins’ success. Debra has a knack for connecting the right property and buyer, whether it’s selling a luxury home or working with a first time home buyer. She understands that profitability, effectiveness, great communication and discretion are critical to guiding her clients smoothly through the complex process of buying and selling homes.

Debra has a perfect track record of closing every single transaction. But, it’s the high level of satisfaction expressed by her diverse portfolio of clients and the enduring relationships she develops with them that gives her the most pleasure.

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January 3, 2014

Pinecrest Fourth Quarter Single Family Home Sales 2013

In the Village of Pinecrest, 36 single family homes sold in the fourth quarter of the year (October 1 – December 31, 2013) with a total sales volume of $42,673,250.  This is a dramatic drop in sales from the third quarter of this year, where 72 homes closed. Of the 36 closed sales, 15 homes were under $1,000,000 and 21 homes were over $1,000,000. […]
December 30, 2013

Four New Listings in Palmetto Bay

What’s your price range?  There are four new single family homes on the market in Palmetto Bay.  Three of them are featured here. The one home not included in this blog is a smashing contemporary renovation in Palmetto Bay.  If you love contemporary, this is a must see.  What I can tell you is that it is a 4 […]
December 29, 2013

Yambo – Authentic Nicaraguan Food

This place is down right scary, a scene right out of a Central American apocalypse. Don’t go drunk, or maybe it’s best to go a bit inebriated.  Either way, Yambo is an experience to remember. Pull into the parking lot and you know this is the real deal. You’re greeted by a shrine of the Virgin Mary, cows on the roof […]
December 28, 2013

Crazy Zany King Mango Strut 2013

Nothing but a natural disaster (well…not even) could stop the insanity, the debauchery and the hysterics of the King Mango Strut this Sunday, Dec. 29, 2013. There were no X-Factor auditions or chair turning judges. And there’s no million dollar prize or contract with Sony Music.  The only requirement for participation is lunacy and a good sense of humor. What […]