Reduced Price Listings in Pinecrest

There are currently 117 homes  for sale in Pinecrest.  Half of these home have been on the market for over three months.  Fifteen houses have been listed for over six months and ten have been for sale for over a year.  Most of the houses that have been on the market for over three months have been reduced in price at least once.  Of the 52 reduced price homes, most saw their first priced reduction at the three month mark.

Last year, the average Pinecrest home was on the market  for approximately six months.

Price it Right

I always recommend that sellers list their property correctly based on a detailed comparable market analysis that clearly demonstrates the currently market value.  This can be a big hurdle for sellers who have higher expectations on the value of their home.  A correctly priced property will sell fast and for the highest possible price while a home languishing on the market for over six months becomes less attractive to buyers who then question the reasons that the property has not sold.

I am a Pinecrest specialist and would be pleased to assist you with your real estate needs.  If you would like a seller or buyer consultation, kindly give me a call at (305) 898-1852 or email me at

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